Clean & Fresh crab shells
by-product from GMP/HACCP production for human consumption
Good quaity CHITIN
from Clean & Fresh crab shells
Good quality CHITOSAN
from good quality CHITIN
from grinding clean room and good quality grinding machines and system
Chitosan snow crab shells low MW powder form

Our Chitosan products from the good quality Chitin benefits which are representative in One of the Specialists Chitosan manufacturer  

    • Qualified the high viscosity / high molecular weight Chitosan
    • Easily to control the range of viscosity or molecular weight from highest viscosity or MW to lowest viscosity or MW 
    • Food-grade Chitosan
    • Medical-device grade Chitosan; qualified the regulation (EU) no. 722/2012 (Medical Devices risk management and controls to prevent spreading certain animal-borne diseases to users of their products) requirements.