Bio21's Chitosan material product specification
The main properties of Chitosan product specifications are following;
- Degree of Deacetylation (%DD)
- Molecular Weight (MW)
- Viscosity
- Raw material source (the shells of sea creatures (Crustacea Malacostraca)) Alpha and Beta type Chitosan .
These of %DD, MW, Viscosity , and raw material sources are key factors of the active or main functions of the Chitosan application or the final product
The other significant product properties of Chitosan product specifications are heavy metals, microbiological factors, Ash content, bulk density / tapped density, solubility, turbidity, and moisture
All properties of Chitosan material product specification combined are identified to the Chitosan grade
- food grade / dietary supplement grade
- Medical device grade / Pharma grade
- Agricultural use (grade)
- Industrial use (grade)
Bio21 Chitosan material product specs category, which is based for the applications
Product variance matrix by %DD: Molecular Weight or Viscosity : Sources
- High, Medium, and Low (cPs) Viscosity
- High, Medium, and Low (kDa) Molecular Weight (MW)
- 3 ranges of Degree of Deacetylation %DD (less than 80, between 80-90, more than 90)
- Sources (blue crab shells, Snow crab shells , Shrimp shells,Squid pen)
Source / Type (Alpha and Beta ) Chitosan
Shrimp shells
Crab shells (Crab, Asian, Portunus pelagicus / blue swimming crab)
Crab shells (Crab, Alaskan, Chionoecetes opilio)
Squid pen (Todarodes pacificus or equiv)
Raw materials, snow crab (Opilio crab and Alaska/King crab) shells from our GMP food processing factory
Molecular Weight (MW) Chitosan
More than 1000 kDa
1000-500 kDa
500-125 kDa
125-80 kDa
less than 80 kDa
Viscosity (solution 1.0%) Chitosan
1000 - 600 cPs
600 - 300 cPs
300 -100 cPs
100-20 cPs
less than 20 cPs
Degree of Deactylation (%DD) Chitosan
More than 90
90 - 80
Less than 80
We are specialists to customize Chitosan spec in Molecular Weight / Viscosity and Degree of Deacetylation (%DD) variances according to the client requirement